Replacement of Leaking VTEC Oil Pressure Switch on the 2003 Accord

VTEC oil pressure switch

Following the leak I had from the VTEC solenoid spool valve assembly which I aimed to repair by replacing the filter on the assembly (catch that DIY here), the leak continued. With the engine running and looking down at the VTEC spool valve assembly, I could just see the oil flowing slowly from

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Replacing VTEC Spool Valve Assembly Filter on the 2003 Accord

VTEC Spool Valve Assembly Filter

The featured image says it all. My VTEC spool valve assembly was leaking oil and I figured to change this. This procedure explains how to change the spool valve assembly filter (PN:15810-RAA-A02). This will also double for the replacement of the VTEC spool valve assembly. The oil was leaking onto

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